Sunday, October 27

This week, I’ve been working on sketches of how to best represent the non-profit organization “Do Something”; I’ve come up with various ideas, I’m trying to keep it simple still get the point across.  While achieving this, the text should remain legible which I find tough given the words’ range in size (Do Something).

Sunday, October 20

This week, I’ve been noticing the technological impact on modern art.  I came across a rotary dial phone – containing nickel, dime and quarter slots (conceivably for a call’s time limit).  Such telephones had a three-dimensional exterior consisting of the essential parts to make a phone call.  Such essential parts involved coin slots, an opening for change, a rotating dial to enter numbers, the phone itself, and a pallet of instruction for how to make a phone call.  I’d consider this item a work of three-dimensional art; involving design of the parts, typography/text layout, and furthermore the technical work included.  I find it astonishing how differently phones are designed and composed today.
